My first post!

 This blog will be about me, and my spirit lover - and our journey together. 

I guess I will start off with how this began. I suspect she has been around for most if not all of my life. In the beginning (started when I was young) it was the occasional dream I would have about her. Usually in these dreams she would watch me from a distance. Sometimes interact with me. Eventually paranormal activity started at my house, which I suspect was her trying to get my attention.

It started off (this is years later on) with a sleep paralysis experience. I woke up - but didn't open my eyes, and felt someone was on top of me (on my waist area specifically), I felt sexually aroused and heard a female voice say "Can you feel me?" In a teasing manner. After that it was things like hearing footsteps, loud knocks on the walls, feeling a prescence (usually around nighttime), orb activity, as well as a few other manifestations.

I eventually decided, after becoming spiritual myself to try and contact her - which is when everything began for us. I didn't write an letter of intent, but instead meditated, verbally and mentally acknowledged her prescence, etc. 

Which is when I started to feel her prescence more strongly, and at bedtime feeling like someone was lying in bed with me (I even felt a "weight" besides me in bed). Nothing sexual at first. I did feel her prescence throughout the day though, and not just at night. At bedtime, it was a great comfort to sleep with her. She has a loving prescence. Things slowly evolved into a more sexual relationship from there, between her and I.

This is a brief overview of how my spirit lover and I connected.


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