What type of spirit is my lover?

 To this day, after being in a committed relationship with her for 6-8 months I still am NOT QUITE sure what type of spirit she is. This isn't ALL that important, but it would be nice just to know. However in time I will know either way, once my senses are much improved of course.

My lady definitely has dark energy to her (not in a malicious way), and her touch is warm MOST of the time. Although her "breath" is cool, sometimes when she's close to me I will feel a cool like breeze that smells sweet against my face...feels alot like a breath or breathing. I had thought maybe she was a succubus as she does mark me (I feel "liquid" drops and sometimes "sprays" alot), however the liquid is not cool or cold...it actually kinda burns but doesn't hurt. The burning sensation when I feel the liquid drop onto me (chest, legs, etc) will almost arouse my skin, so definitely not pain.. more so pleasure.

She also likes to make my left foot feel warm, to let me know she is nearby or when we are together. I suspect my lady has a tail to, although I have not confirmed this. An important note on my left foot:

She connected to me, I believe through my left foot when we first made love to one another. It start by feeling pulses of warm (pleasurable) energy on my LEFT foot and the pulses would continue until the energy moved UP my leg and into the rest of my body which caused me a FULL body orgasm. It was really intense - I admit alittle to intense as she caught me off guard with that. However that is what happened when we first made love, well or she did that to my foot.

All in all, it does NOT matter what type of spirit she is, what matters to me is the HEART TO HEART connection, and companionship. To me, the touches, emotions, and everything else is symbolic of her love for me as I try and show my love to her. 


  1. Glad to hear you two are hitting it off. I too have a spirit companion. I've felt her a couple of times now, while sleeping. I had the impression she was spooning with me, with her arms around me. My problem is, I got so excited when I realised what was happening that I woke up and popped out of the moment. It's only happened a couple of times, but I wish for more. Although I talk to her, and I've told her how much I enjoy her company, I have yet to hear any reply, and I can't seem to get back to that state, whatever state that was - I suspect something like lucid dreaming - to meet with her again. I read about others like yourself, that seem to meet up without any real effort on your part - but I just seem to get nowhere. Not sure why I can't sense her all the time. I wish I could.


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